What is Bazar

The World of Sicily’s Bazaar is a great online selection of Sicilian products. If you are a food lover, a gourmand or just like to treat yourself to a few treats you will find a wide selection of food products. From the chocolate of Modica, to the Green Pistachio of Bronte, to the Sea Salt of Trapani to the Caper of Pantelleria. And of course a wide selection of sweets including almond pastries, nougats and cookies. 

In the Bazaar you can also find books by all Sicilian authors, from the best known Camilleri, Simonetta Agnello Hornby or Alessia Gazzola to the great classics: Pirandello, Sciascia, Quasimodo. But there are also emerging writers, writers not yet known but absolutely to be discovered. Just explore the book section to realize this and perhaps find your next favorite writer.

In the Made in Sicily section are the creations of Sicilian companies and artisans. Beautiful ceramic products, earrings, rings and coffees that are 100% Sicilian. 

The main goal of this e-commerce is still that of The World of Sicily’s own philosophy: to give visibility to Sicilian excellence. It may be a great novel, a chocolate bar from Modica, a wine that can release all the flavor and nuances of the island (or islands).