Vitelli Bar

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Bar Vitelli is one of the most iconic places in all of Sicily. Founded in 1963, it gained worldwide fame eight years later when it was chosen to film some scenes from The Godfather. If you are a fan of the trilogy, you should definitely stop here. If you want, you can also sleep on the second floor of the building where the bar is located.

Bar Vitelli: The Godfather’s famous bar

The story of Bar Vitelli begins in 1963, the year it was opened. At that time the bar did not have a specific name. In 1971 it was chosen by Francis Ford Coppola to shoot some scenes of The Godfather, and it was the director himself who chose the name Bar Vitelli for scenic purposes. The owners decided to make it their official name. Inside the bar, the original furnishings from the film have been preserved, making it one of the most charming places in all of Sicily. If you decide to visit Savoca, a stop at Bar Vitelli is a must. The specialty is lemon granita with zibibbo, served with a typical biscuit called “a zuccarata”. The bar is located on the ground floor of Palazzo Trimarchi in Piazza Fossia, right at the beginning of the village. Inside, there is a small photo exhibition with shots from the week of filming.

The Godfather Scenes Filmed at Bar Vitelli

In the movie The Godfather, Michael Corleone, after killing Il Turco and the policeman accompanying him, is forced to leave New York and take refuge in the Corleone house. Here, one day, he catches a glimpse of a young Sicilian peasant girl with whom he immediately falls in love. So Michael and his two bodyguards go to the local bar, hoping that the owner can help them find out who the girl they saw is. The three discover that her name is Apollonia and that she is in fact the owner’s daughter. At first he is not flattered by this interest, but Michael’s threats make him realize that he has no other choice and will have to agree to let them meet. Also in Savoca is another location from The Godfather, the church of San Nicolò, where the wedding scenes were filmed.

History and architecture of Trimarchi Palace

Palazzo Trimarchi, where the Bar Vitelli is located, is an ancient noble palace built in the late 17th and early 18th centuries as the residence of the Trimarchi family. In the keystone of the entrance portal is carved 1773, the year of its renovation. In July 1820 the palace was attacked during the revolutionary uprisings of 1820-21, which were a protest against the union of the Kingdom of Sicily with the Kingdom of Naples. During the second half of the 20th century, the second floor of Trimarchi Palace, no longer inhabited by the owners, housed the Savoca Middle School. On the façade there are three elegant small balconies with carved stone corbels and two finely worked portals. The second floor of the building and the cellar have been transformed into a charming boutique hotel.

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