The Hyblaean Garden

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The Hyblaean Garden is a public park located on the eastern outskirts of Ragusa Ibla.  It was created in 1858 on the initiative of three Ragusan noblemen and many inhabitants who decided to participate in the initiative with their own contributions. The garden is situated on a rocky promontory overlooking the Irminio valley and is composed of three different parts, which correspond to the different stages of its creation. The area from the entrance to the church of Cappuccini is the original core. This is definitely the most interesting part, both architecturally and in terms of vegetation. In addition to the Church of the Cappuccini, you can also visit the former Church of San Vincenzo Ferreri, now an auditorium, and the Church of San Giacomo. Along the so-called Avenue of the Palms there are 50 specimens of Phoenix canariensis, and in the surrounding green areas it is possible to admire specimens of the entire Mediterranean flora. From the Church of the Cappuccini you can enter the second part of the garden, which is more formal, with geometric flowerbeds around a circular pool. The last part is the so-called “Boschetto della Rimembranza” (Grove of Remembrance), created in the 1930s in honor of the fallen soldiers of the First World War.

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